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Every dollar that is donated to the United States Green Party goes towards fielding candidates around the country that reflect the Green Party's platform of economic, social and environmental justice and equity. We appreciate as much as you can offer to support our ongoing efforts to bring the solutions to the problems we all face that you feel are worthwhile. Help us fight for a better future!

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Donating to the Green Party is crucial for advancing a sustainable, healthier, and happier future in the United States. The Green Party's commitment to environmental stewardship and social justice makes it a unique player in American politics, championing policies that prioritize the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. By contributing financially, supporters enable the party to amplify its message, campaign for eco-friendly legislation, and advocate for green economic practices that mitigate climate change and protect natural resources.


Financial support also helps the Green Party to effectively coordinate its efforts on multiple fronts, including grassroots organizing, public education, and electoral campaigns. With sufficient funding, the party can expand its outreach, mobilize volunteers, and influence public discourse about the urgent need for sustainable development. This enhanced capacity allows the Green Party to present viable, eco-conscious alternatives to traditional economic models, thereby pushing for systemic changes that foster a green economy and promote long-term environmental health.


Moreover, donations to the Green Party contribute to the creation and implementation of policies that address both environmental and social inequalities. The Green Party's platform emphasizes not only ecological sustainability but also equitable resource distribution, social justice, and community empowerment. By supporting the party financially, donors help drive initiatives that aim to reduce pollution, protect vulnerable communities, and build a more inclusive economy that benefits everyone, especially those who have been marginalized or adversely affected by current economic practices.​


Ultimately, investing in the Green Party is an investment in a more sustainable and harmonious future. As the party works to integrate green economic principles and sustainable development into national policies, financial contributions ensure that its vision and solutions gain traction and impact. In doing so, donors play a pivotal role in steering the United States towards a future where environmental preservation and human well-being are intertwined, creating a healthier and more vibrant society for generations to come.





Your contribution to the Green Party of the United States means you're giving for social justice, you’re giving for the environment, you’re giving for non-violence and peace, and you are giving for democracy in the United States.


Corporations are not people. The Green Party of the United States and its candidates only accept individual contributions from real people. People like you. Please donate today.


Please consider becoming a Green Party Sustainer with an automatic monthly gift - Click here now

If you prefer to use PayPal to make an automatic monthly gift – Click here now.

Our average donation is $42-- but we appreciate you donating whatever is in your means whether that be $5 or $500.


Thank you!


To donate by check, make your check out to "Green Party of the United States" and mail it to:


The Green Party of the United States
PO Box 75075
Washington, DC 20013


If you'd like to donate to a specific committee or caucus, click here.

For those interested in learning more about how donations are spent, budget information is available upon request.



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